Market Garden Plants
MG Plant list 2023
All supplied in garden ready plants in 13cm pots £3.50 each. All are chosen for their indeterminate growing habit for longer harvesting through season rather than determinate which are all at once, and require pinching out unless stated otherwise. All chosen to be suitable for growing in a greenhouse, polytunnel or outdoors in a sunny sheltered spot, unless stated otherwise. All need plant support and regular feeding throughout season. Tomato plants are available in the following varieties:
Sweet Aperitif - cherry tomato, heavy cropping , quick to ripen early and onwards
Garnet - cherry tomato, bronze red fruit, maintains cropping into late in the season
Orkado F1 - medium size tomato, heavy cropping, early to ripen
Matina - medium size tomato, heavy cropping
Sparta F1 - medium size tomato, best for greenhouse or polytunnel
Beefmaster F1 - beefsteak tomato, very large fruit so worth picking slightly green to avoid pest damage, best for greenhouse or polytunnel
Marmande - beefsteak tomato, large ribbed fruit, determinate so does not require pinching out, requires support, can be grown outdoors but better in greenhouse or polytunnel
Berner Rose - beefsteak, smooth pink coloured tomato, indeterminate habit, can be grown outdoors but better in greenhouse or polytunnel
All peppers supplied as garden ready plants in 13cm pots, £3.50 each. Peppers can be eaten green or fully ripened when they change colour, and can be grown in greenhouse or polytunnel, or a sunny sheltered spot outdoors. All require support to bear the weight of the fruit, and regular feeding throughout season. Pepper plants available in the following varieties:
Sweet Ariane F1 - yellow bell four lobed sweet pepper, average fruit 5-10 per plant
Sweet Pepper Snackbite F1 - yellow small conical shape fruit, very sweet pepper, average 25-30 fruit per plant
Hot Pepper Gourmet Jalapeno - red medium sized conical hot pepper, medium heat, ideal for stuffing with cream cheese before cooking and for salsa, average 25-35 fruit per plant
All cucumber are supplied as garden ready plants in 13cm pots for £3.50. All grow best with support though can be allowed to trail which will require more space when planting. Can pinch out side shoots to grow as a cordon as they grow prolifically. Although less likely with F1 varieties, plant stress can make male flowers (no fruit behind the flower) which should be removed. All plants require regular feeding throughout season. Some first fruit of the season can be bitter, so tongue tip taste test recommended.
Telegraph Improved - regular sized long green cucumbers, reliable heavy cropper through season
Picolino F1 - mini sized cucumbers, heavy cropping through season, all female flowers
Pepinex F1 - regular sized cucumbers, long dark green slightly ridged, all female flowers, heavy cropping through season
Sold as garden ready plants, in 13cm pots, £4
Sivan F1 - Charentais type sweet small round melon, orange flesh, great flavour. For best results grow in green house or polytunnel, though they are bred for U.K. climate so can be grown outdoors. Reliable cropper.
All sold as garden ready plants in 13cm pots, for £3.50 each. All courgettes can be grown in either greenhouse, polytunnel or outdoors. Trailing varieties can be grown up a trellis or be left to ramble which requires more space when planting. Keep picking crop to encourage more courgette to grow. Some first fruit of the season can be bitter so tongue tip taste test recommended before cooking.
Jackpot F1 - Medium dark green long speckled courgette, open bushy habit minimal spines for easy picking, prolific cropper over long season
Shooting Star F1 - Yellow courgette, climbing habit, prolific cropper over long season
Darko F1 - Dark green medium sized staight courgette, bushy habit, prolific cropper over long season
All squash sold as garden ready plants in 13cm pots for £3.50 each.
Musquee de Provence - large slightly flat scalloped squash, turning from green to golden brown on maturity. Dense orange flesh with sweet slightly spicy flavour, can be eaten raw, great for roasting, soups and pies. Trailing habit. Stores well
Buttercup - medium sized dark grey - green coloured squash, delicious dense firm orange flesh, excellent sweet and nutty flavour. Great for roasting, soups and pies.
Root Trainer Tray Collections
All supplied as garden ready plants in either 28 cell or 45 cell trays, these trays are have mixed plants, to give you the best value, priced depending on mix of plants.
Sweetcorn Incredible F1 and French Bean Blue Lake - £20 for 42 plants in 28 cell root trainer tray, (14 cells each with single sweetcorn plant, 14 cells with two bean plants per cell). Sweetcorn Incredible F1 is a delicious sugar enhanced fast growing sweetcorn with long sweet cobs, like all sweetcorn to be planted in blocks rather than rows for wind pollination. French Beans Blue lake is a tall climbing variety of bean, producing heavy crops of pencil podded mid green stringless bean pods, pick regularly to encourage more bean pods to develop, can be left at end of season to produce Haricot white beans within the pods that can be dried and stored. The French beans can be planted to climb up canes or trellis, or at base of Sweetcorn, around the edges of block for easier picking. Root trainer cell trays are sturdy excellent quality trays that can be used again many times, made from recycled and recyclable plastic.
Mangetout Heraut Pea and Sweetcorn Incredible F1 - £20 for 42 plants in 28 cell root trainer tray, (14 cells each with single sweetcorn plant, 14 cells with two Mangetout Heraut pea plants per cell). Mangetout Heraut pea is a vigorous tall Mangetout pea, with violet flowers and very sweet pods, delicious eaten raw or cooked, will keep producing while pods continue to be picked. Mangetout Heraut pea can be planted to climb up canes or trellis, or at base of Sweetcorn, around the edges of block for easier picking. Sweetcorn Incredible F1 is a delicious sugar enhanced fast growing sweetcorn with long sweet cobs, like all sweetcorn to be planted in blocks rather than rows for wind pollination. Root trainer cell trays are sturdy excellent quality trays that can be used again many times, made from recycled and recyclable plastic.
Flowering plants
Available in 9cm garden ready pots for £1.50 each:
Petunia Merlin Cherry
Petunia Merlin Blue
Brachycome daisy blue, pink and white mix
Lobelia trailing Sapphire blue
Nasturtium Blue Pepe (bluish green leaf)
Nasturtium Tall Climbing
Marigold Safari
Marigold Crackerjack
Chamomile Matricaria recutita
Prices to follow for:
More root tray collections, and plug and potted prices vegetables, flowers and herbs:
Onion Hytech
Onion Hybound
Onion Sturon
Onion Stuttgart
Shallot Matador
Shallot Zebrune
Celery Golden blanching
Celeriac Ibis
Artichoke Romanesco
Carnation Sprite
Carnation Orange Sherbet
Dahlia cactus mixed
Oxford Blue Clary sage
Clary Sage
Poached Eggs
Gerbera Jamesoni mixed
Echinacea purpurea